Gary: data errors...open, high or close lower than low price
2009-01-27 04:56:12 UTC
Hello Gary

I just ran a scan that identifies tickers in QP where either the Open,
High or Close is lower than the Low, which should not be.

I got the list of items below...

Please note that when I tried to look at ticker CDII in QP 3.1 which I
use,it froze the program and my computer. I had to physically turn my
computer off and back on again to get it running. I don't know if it
was freak event with my computer or due to the data in cdii...if you
look at what is down below for cdii..for the given dates,it is
freakish. This is what I got with a scan.

Please Fix..

Date, ticker, open, high, low, close

07/15/2008,ABW PA, 19.60, 23.50,19.7399998, 21.50

07/22/2008,BE, 39.50, 44.00, 42.5, 42.50

10/10/2008,CAJ, 28.15, 34.00,31.9099998, 33.99

10/10/2008,CBB, 2.01, 2.31,2.03999996, 2.31

07/30/1993,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,4.2840731e-14, 0.00

07/17/2008,DHM, 17.59, 18.47,17.5900002, 17.47

06/19/2008,DRE PN, 23.01, 23.45,23.0799999, 23.08

07/14/2008,SEF, 93.00, 93.00,87.6500015, 87.56

09/19/2008,ZION, 52.83, 52.83,54.9000015, 52.83

10/10/2008,ZUMZ, 10.93, 14.00, 12, 13.52

06/09/2003,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,6.06688246e-39, 0.00

06/06/2003,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,6.06601927e-39, -0.01

06/05/2003,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,6.06766719e-39, 0.00

Note, ticker CDII continues like above for about 1200-1300 days. I
didn't see any point in duplicating them here.

2009-02-12 04:20:25 UTC
This is a resend.
Data as described below still in error.
Pls fix.
Post by investor952
Hello Gary
I just ran a scan that identifies tickers in QP where either the Open,
High or Close is lower than the Low, which should not be.
I got the list of items below...
Please note that when I tried to look at ticker CDII in QP 3.1 which I
use,it froze the program and my computer. I had to physically turn my
computer off and back on again to get it running. I don't know if it
was freak event with my computer or due to the data in cdii...if you
look at what is down below for cdii..for the given dates,it is
freakish. This is what I got with a scan.
Please Fix..
Date, ticker, open, high, low, close
07/15/2008,ABW PA, 19.60, 23.50,19.7399998, 21.50
07/22/2008,BE, 39.50, 44.00, 42.5, 42.50
10/10/2008,CAJ, 28.15, 34.00,31.9099998, 33.99
10/10/2008,CBB, 2.01, 2.31,2.03999996, 2.31
07/30/1993,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,4.2840731e-14, 0.00
07/17/2008,DHM, 17.59, 18.47,17.5900002, 17.47
06/19/2008,DRE PN, 23.01, 23.45,23.0799999, 23.08
07/14/2008,SEF, 93.00, 93.00,87.6500015, 87.56
09/19/2008,ZION, 52.83, 52.83,54.9000015, 52.83
10/10/2008,ZUMZ, 10.93, 14.00, 12, 13.52
06/09/2003,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,6.06688246e-39, 0.00
06/06/2003,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,6.06601927e-39, -0.01
06/05/2003,CDII, 0.00, 0.00,6.06766719e-39, 0.00
Note, ticker CDII continues like above for about 1200-1300 days. I
didn't see any point in duplicating them here.

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started 2007-05-16 11:28:40 UTC